Other People’s Opinions and Jennifer Livingston


We all know the story by now. A newscaster receives an email from a viewer saying she is fat and her out for setting a poor public example so she responds on air and boom – viral. The fact that it’s National Bully Prevention Month only lends to the conversation. Here’s the statement from Kenneth [...]

The Revolution Continues: A Discussion


I hate looking like hypocrite. First I wasn’t going to talk about Lady Gaga and the 25 pounds Gained Around the World. And now I’m talking about it again. But don’t run screaming from the room yet because now we take the discussion to the next level thanks to a very thoughtful comment by Girl [...]

An Open Letter to Elizabeth Hurley


  An open letter to Ms. Elizabeth Hurley: I’m very seriously and sincerely wondering if you’ve lost your marbles. I’m also wondering if it’s just an income bracket thing? Maybe I won’t “get” how putting an 8-year-old hoping to look more grown up  in a bikini held together by a gold ring is a good [...]

All Around the Mulberry Bush: Jessica Simpson & Body Image


I was prepared to rant. Jessica Simpson debuted her “new mom body” on the Katie Show and my emotions told reason to take a coffee and doughnut break while I raked Simpson (who gave birth in May) through the coals for selling out and giving me an even bigger complex about the size of my [...]