Body Back: How to Make Friends with Our Reflections

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Newsflash, y’all! Kim Kardashian has her body back. No surgery, haters. So stop your finger-pointing and snide headlines, already. US Weekly calls Kim’s “exclusive” picture proof the ultimate revenge for all the post-baby body bashing stories. And as far as the media (and a large segment of our body conscious society is concerned), that’s all […]

Closed Minds and Open Letters


It’s a weird week for news and not news news (do I sound like a horrible love child of Gertrude Stein and Donald Rumsfield? No? I should…). Syria is still a mess btw, we still have a small portion of our gerrymandered electorate holding the country hostage on our sixth day of government shutdown. But […]

The Censorship of the 4th Trimester Bodies Project

Seriously, Facebook: WTF is wrong with this picture?

  Does this image offend you?   It shouldn’t. But for some inexplicable reason, it seems that Facebook, instagram, and related social media outlets don’t like images depicting the beauty and reality of motherhood. Facebook has been censoring the project page and even has gone so far as to remove images and lock photographer Ashlee […]

Introductions are in Order

This week–like many weeks lately–has been all about navigating a busy hectic world. And often I’m not sure what’s saving me from going insane anymore. Like what? You don’t have to ask or care. I’m sure your week had its craziness too so I won’t bore you with the mundane details of teaching 8 am […]

Kim Kardashian’s Unlikely Champion


  Disclaimer: I’m not on Kim Kardashian’s radar. I’m not even a blip in her world. I’m also not a fan of reality T.V., think that Honey-Boo-Boo is a good idea on any level, or appreciate what Snookie did to my brain when I tried reading her book (Hey, I was curious.) Nor do I […]


The before picture. I'm not posting the after. It was supposed to be fun.

  By Rachele Kargas   It’s just about midnight. I’m sitting at my desk in Hello Kitty pants. My hair is a mess as I have run my hands through it one too many times. It was sleek and pretty at the beginning of the evening.  My cheeks are damp with tears and my eyeliner […]

Welcome to the jungle


By now everyone not living under a rock has at least heard  about the Abercrombie & Fitch “Fat people are uncool” story. While it’s a disheartening event, I refuse to get my size 8 panties in a twist. Let me tell you why: The manager mentioned in the story for the Fat = Fired move […]

Mommy Do I need to go on a Diet?


by Danielle Smith   The question felt a bit out of left field.  But as the mother of a child, of a little girl, I suppose I shouldn’t ever really be surprised, right? She is eight-going-on-twenty-eight, after all. And this growing up business is happening right in front of my eyes. This IS the child […]

If Neil Kramer Were a Woman…

Photo courtesy of A Might Girl. Find them in Facebook!

I love Neil Kramer. It’s Facebook updates like these (along with his brilliant iPhone pics on his instagram feed) that just make me want to high five him for cutting through the bullshit and just saying or showing us what is. In this case, it’s a brilliant case of Funny Because It’s True. In fact, […]

Nudity Alert

Lena Dunham

In the past few weeks, the entertainment world revealed their horror over writer/director/actress, Lena Dunham. Why? She dared to do two horrific, unforgiveable things: 1) win an Emmy as a young newcomer 2) walked around naked as her character Hannah without the decency to be shamed by her body. We see naked women on HBO […]