Dieting Last Resorts


  I decided to go on a raw foods diet. Mostly it sounds fine to me except it virtually excludes my favorite food groups: coffee, cheese and bread. Coffee, cheese, and fresh baked sourdough are such an intrinsic part of my diet that being without them for the last ten days has rendered me no […]

Operation Rad(ical) Bod

Photo on 5-8-13 at 3.36 PM

by Rhea St. Julien Are you  willing to take a short break from fat chat and dieting to try this experiment, which I call Operation Rad Bod?  Here’s what you can do: 1. When a thought comes into your mind about how you wish your body could be different (more youthful, thin, less mottled, etc.), stop […]

GBP Showcase: A Weigh In on Shame

Michaella Change

Girl Body Pride is coming up on a birthday. To celebrate, we are taking a moment to showcase our favorite submissions from guest writers and contributions from our regular team. Do you have a favorite you’d like to see here? Send me an email at . Michaella O’Connor shared A Weigh In on Shame with […]


Photo used under Creative Commons License

    I don’t like math. I don’t really like anything having to do with numbers. Maybe my dislike for the subject has something to do with the Post Vacation Equation.   5 days in Charleston + 4 days in Myrtle Beach x 3 meals a day – the cupcake I walked 12 blocks for  […]

Momshell, Defined.


Are you a mother who birthed a baby from her uterus?  Did you gain weight, change shape, slow down?  Does it make you feel bad? Look around you.  Who are your mom friends?  Are they awesome?  Do you love them?  Are they saving your life now that you are a new mother with an infant […]