Are you Ready to #BeBrave?


  Are you ready to #BeBrave? The headlines are filled with stories about feelings of hopelessness. At first glance, the world looks like a pretty depressing place, but if you look just long enough…you see the glimmers of light shining through. There are people doing good things; people who are inspiring others to see themselves [...]

GBP Showcase: Yesterday’s Scars


Girl Body Pride is coming up on a birthday. To celebrate, we are taking a moment to showcase our favorite submissions from guest writers and contributions from our regular team. Do you have a favorite you’d like to see here? Send me an email at . H.C. Palmquist published Yesterday’s Scars on Girl Body Pride [...]

It’s Just a Word


  It’s just a word. Just one, small, single syllable word. And yet this word destroyed me at age 4, again at 11 and more times than I can recall in my 20′s. And here I sit in my 30′s, torn and bleeding around the wound the word insists on opening in me over and [...]

Beauty Can’t Be Stolen

GBP - P Beach Quote Image

  It was when I took my not-yet-five-year-old daughter to see the forensic doctor who would photograph her body and complete what is commonly referred to as a “rape kit” that I began to wonder if she truly believed us when we told her she was beautiful. Yes, I’m the mom of a child who [...]

Unabashedly Me

Photo credit: Pauline Campos

Ever have those days when you look into the mirror and are filled with loathing? When all you see is every flaw highlighted and screaming at you that you’re not good enough? That used to be my daily truth. I would look at my reflection and drown in the desire to be something, someone else. [...]