Desperately Seeking Skinny: Why We Need to Change Our Focus for Lasting Change


I recently received an email from a reader asking for help. She hates dieting but loves diet Coke (not because it’s diet, mind you, but because she likes the taste and that’s fine by me). She hates dieting for the sake of dieting and she hates her body even more. She knows she’s overweight and […]

It’s Just a Word


  It’s just a word. Just one, small, single syllable word. And yet this word destroyed me at age 4, again at 11 and more times than I can recall in my 20′s. And here I sit in my 30′s, torn and bleeding around the wound the word insists on opening in me over and […]

The Power of Joining our Voices


  I am in a place I have wanted to be for so very long and I am here because of the power of joining my voice with that of other like-minded women with something to say and a need to be heard. I am in this place and I am grateful. And I simply […]

7 Myths About Finding Your Calling


  Finding your calling is all the rage these days. It’s sexy to find your calling. Everyone’s doing it, it seems. Finding your calling is the new black. But if you’re one of the many who haven’t yet found it, the process of seeking it can make you feel psycho, like you’ve got a giant […]

Lessons, Butterflies, & Bracelets


Pretty things make me smile. The simple and plan kind of pretty that doesn’t try too hard to be noticed because that kind of thinking is what other kinds of pretty fret about. That’s the kind I adore. Maybe that’s why I love this new offering from my friends at Berkey Design on Esty. Stan […]

Butterflies, Strength, and Onion-flavored Dreams

Photo used under Creative Commons License.

I’ve seen my name published in the bylines of the hundreds of newspaper articles I wrote before giving up the Dream That Was Supposed to Pay the Bills. That was the plan, you know. The paycheck was supposed to fund the Dream That Included Me and a Book with My Words. Funny thing, that dream. […]

Strong like Butterfly: Launching the Ebook!


Are you ready to be inspired? Let’s launch this thing… On Monday, January 14, Girl Body Pride celebrates the launch of the Strong Like Butterfly ebook! Strong Like Butterfly brings you the best of Girl Body Pride in collection of strong and inspiring essays from women who celebrate the You that You Are Right Now.  […]