Anonymous Was Here


This is not a usual occurrence on Girl Body Pride. If you want your words shared with the world and for our audience to connect with what you have to say, your name had better be attached to the submission or it will simply be looked over. But there are always exceptions to the rule. [...]

My Half of the Sky


  I am watching Half the Sky. I am feeling the weight of the world  in my heart. “…when rape is unfortunate but forgivable.” A quote from the documentary on PBS I learned about thanks to a Facebook message from Kelly “MochaMomma” Wickham in which actress and activist America Ferrera retweeted a message from Kelly [...]

Beauty Can’t Be Stolen

GBP - P Beach Quote Image

  It was when I took my not-yet-five-year-old daughter to see the forensic doctor who would photograph her body and complete what is commonly referred to as a “rape kit” that I began to wonder if she truly believed us when we told her she was beautiful. Yes, I’m the mom of a child who [...]

Unabashedly Me

Photo credit: Pauline Campos

Ever have those days when you look into the mirror and are filled with loathing? When all you see is every flaw highlighted and screaming at you that you’re not good enough? That used to be my daily truth. I would look at my reflection and drown in the desire to be something, someone else. [...]