Learning to Love Our Reflections


    Look in the mirror. Go ahead. Drop whatever you are doing and go find the nearest reflective surface. Now. Got one? Okay. Good. So do I. First, let me tell you what I see. Starting from the very top: Frizzy hair. Big brown eyes. Long lashes. A full set of lips. Moving on [...]

Unabashedly Me

Photo credit: Pauline Campos

Ever have those days when you look into the mirror and are filled with loathing? When all you see is every flaw highlighted and screaming at you that you’re not good enough? That used to be my daily truth. I would look at my reflection and drown in the desire to be something, someone else. [...]

The Problem of Loving My Body and Body As Object

Photo Credit: Elan "Schmutzie" Morgan

Love it or hate it, Elan Morgan ponders self-acceptance, our bodies, and why there isn’t really an answer.   I think about beauty and self-acceptance and love, and I think about how our culture, in an effort to beat back the ocean of self-loathing that women have been drowning in for so long, offers up [...]

Because Inner Strength is a Thing

Photo Credit: Robin O'Bryant. Girlfriend crawled up to the stage on all fours to catch this one.

Maybe it sounds like bullshit when someone else says that things happen for a reason and in their own time and when they are meant to. And maybe it’s true but the things you are wanting to happen haven’t happened yet and it isn’t their time yet and they are meant to be but tomorrow [...]

Body After Baby? Bullshit!


When I paid $19.95 to sign up for Match.com where I met my now-husband, I got a free subscription to People magazine. And although I canceled my Match.com subscription a month later, I’ve been renewing People for 9 years now. Which is my guilty secret (okay, not so secret) vice. I read my People magazine [...]



The Husband has been uncharacteristically quiet lately. Not in typical, every day conversation, mind you. He’s got plenty to say when Buttercup asks him to pretend he’s five of her princess dolls at the same time. And we’re managing to keep the texting each other from across the table to the times we are paying [...]