Body Back: How to Make Friends with Our Reflections

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Newsflash, y’all! Kim Kardashian has her body back. No surgery, haters. So stop your finger-pointing and snide headlines, already. US Weekly calls Kim’s “exclusive” picture proof the ultimate revenge for all the post-baby body bashing stories. And as far as the media (and a large segment of our body conscious society is concerned), that’s all […]

Driven: The Prize

the prize by Girl Body Pride

by Rachel Kargas   I have always been self motivated. In school nobody had to remind me to do my homework. In college I could be found at 10PM on a Friday night in the quiet corner of the Memorial Library nursing a cup of black coffee while my friends were out doing shots and drinking Sex On […]

Announcing the #BodyThanks Event


If I asked you what you are thankful for right now…what would you say? Would you say you are thankful for your health? Your family and friends? Your job or the view from your bedroom window? All of those and more, I would imagine. We’re grateful for our kids and for our family pets and […]

The Gift of Aging


by Lasara Firefox Allen Every year on and around my birthday, I take inventory. Whether I want to or not, this happens. So I’ve learned to roll with it. And this year, here’s what inventory has yielded: Limit and defeat are not synonyms. As a writer, maybe you’d think I would have figured that one […]

The Scar You’re Staring At


by Lisbeth Coiman I have Dowling Degos Disease, a rare skin condition without known cure. More frequent manifestations of this condition are present in the armpits and the groin. To the common eye, DDD looks like a three day old beard and unshaved armpits. Occasionally, DDD also shows on the face and vulva. On the […]

GBP Showcase: The Skin I’m In

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Girl Body Pride is coming up on a birthday. To celebrate, we are taking a moment to showcase our favorite submissions from guest writers and contributions from our regular team. Do you have a favorite you’d like to see here? Send me an email at . Leanne Brieholz published The Skin I’m In on Girl […]

GBP Showcase: A Weigh In on Shame

Michaella Change

Girl Body Pride is coming up on a birthday. To celebrate, we are taking a moment to showcase our favorite submissions from guest writers and contributions from our regular team. Do you have a favorite you’d like to see here? Send me an email at . Michaella O’Connor shared A Weigh In on Shame with […]


Photo used under Creative Commons License

    I don’t like math. I don’t really like anything having to do with numbers. Maybe my dislike for the subject has something to do with the Post Vacation Equation.   5 days in Charleston + 4 days in Myrtle Beach x 3 meals a day – the cupcake I walked 12 blocks for  […]

The Skin I’m In


Every night I am faced with a dilemma. Do I smooth on the ultra hydrating, wrinkle repairing, elasticity maintaining, cellular turnover promoting night cream? Or do I smear my face with the sticky anti-acne salicylic acid gel? I find myself facing the unsettling predicament of having both wrinkles and acne at the same time. Never […]

Desperately Seeking Skinny: Why We Need to Change Our Focus for Lasting Change


I recently received an email from a reader asking for help. She hates dieting but loves diet Coke (not because it’s diet, mind you, but because she likes the taste and that’s fine by me). She hates dieting for the sake of dieting and she hates her body even more. She knows she’s overweight and […]