Because Inner Strength is a Thing

Photo Credit: Robin O'Bryant. Girlfriend crawled up to the stage on all fours to catch this one.

Maybe it sounds like bullshit when someone else says that things happen for a reason and in their own time and when they are meant to. And maybe it’s true but the things you are wanting to happen haven’t happened yet and it isn’t their time yet and they are meant to be but tomorrow [...]

Just The Way We Are

blogher fashion show

Girl. Body. Pride. Justthewayweare. Girl. Body. Pride. JustthewayIam. Girl. Body. Pride. Justthewayweare. Girl. Body. Pride. JustthewayIam. It’s a chant in my head. Rhythmic. Soothing. My own voice soothing the nerves/excitement/nausea I’m attempting to hide behind closed eyes. I feel the featherlight touch of the makeup artist’s brushes as she works feverishly to transform me into [...]