The Fat Rash

doctor's office

 by Shell Feijo I have a rash in the fold between my stomach and my lower stomach. Okay, that may not be accurate. Maybe it is between my lower stomach and the top of my foof – what I call the little puffy pouch of skin protecting my labia. I’m not supposed to be talking [...]

The Other Extreme & the Photoshopped Fat Suit Controversy

The original image is on the left. Photo

  A campaign by First Five California to reduce childhood obesity in California is being slammed for digitally altering the image of the child model. But the controversy is not stemming from the reason you might expect. The ads in the middle of the controversy feature a little girl drinking from packet of sugar with [...]



Warning: While all content on Girl Body Pride deals with emotional and mental health as it relates to body image and self-perception, please recognize that what follows contains possibly triggering content. Please, if you or someone you know and love needs it, seek help. We promise to hold your hand as long as you need [...]

Body Love and Inspirations

Photo Credit: The Body Love Blog

Some of us write and post and pray that the Viral Internet Fairy will visit our words as we sleep, sprinkle them with magical Social Media Sharing Dust and we will wake up famous. All of those hours spent working for free, building our platforms, sharing the message that matters most with our tiny little [...]