Heart Pops


  Let’s tell each other one thing that we love about the other person before we go to sleep.   Okay, Mama.   I’ll go first. I love the way your whole face lights up when you smile.   Oh, Mama. That’s sweet…And I love when you give me strawberries.   ***       […]

The Worst Kind of Betrayal

Brene Brown Daring Greatly

I was reading my shero Brené Brown’s new book Daring Greatly: How The Courage To Be Vulnerable Transforms The Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead when I reached page 51 and my heart stopped in an “OMG, how did she read my mind, and how did she know exactly how to give language to something that’s […]

The Problem of Loving My Body and Body As Object

Photo Credit: Elan "Schmutzie" Morgan

Love it or hate it, Elan Morgan ponders self-acceptance, our bodies, and why there isn’t really an answer.   I think about beauty and self-acceptance and love, and I think about how our culture, in an effort to beat back the ocean of self-loathing that women have been drowning in for so long, offers up […]

Your Truth

Photo credit: Katie Tegtmeyer. Licensed through Creative Commons.

What is truth? Is it something told or something lived? Think about that question. Really think about the difference. Because there is a difference. You can speak truthfully, but still live a lie. In the schoolyard we heard phrases like, “liar, liar pants on fire.” The importance of not telling a fib is drilled into […]



The Husband has been uncharacteristically quiet lately. Not in typical, every day conversation, mind you. He’s got plenty to say when Buttercup asks him to pretend he’s five of her princess dolls at the same time. And we’re managing to keep the texting each other from across the table to the times we are paying […]