The Power of Joining our Voices


  I am in a place I have wanted to be for so very long and I am here because of the power of joining my voice with that of other like-minded women with something to say and a need to be heard. I am in this place and I am grateful. And I simply […]

Butterflies, Strength, and Onion-flavored Dreams

Photo used under Creative Commons License.

I’ve seen my name published in the bylines of the hundreds of newspaper articles I wrote before giving up the Dream That Was Supposed to Pay the Bills. That was the plan, you know. The paycheck was supposed to fund the Dream That Included Me and a Book with My Words. Funny thing, that dream. […]

The Moral of the Story Is Stop Reading Magazines

Seventeen and Faulty BMI

Reading about the latest body image flap created by Seventeen magazine makes me thank God I don’t have a girl. Really, what I’m thanking Him for is that I don’t have a 53% chance of dealing with a daughter’s body issues starting at age 13. Seventeen had a body mass index (or BMI) calculator on […]

A Traffic Jam, the Bad Economy, and Crappy Cell Phone Reception: an L.A. Story


Yes, internet. I managed to pants myself at the gym. I have finally been losing weight. Many of you will be able to relate to that thing that happens when you stop nursing your baby? Where you just keep eating the same amount of food and so the weight never really comes off…or worse – […]

The Plate

broken plate

Do we talk about depression here? Well, I’m gonna, anyway. In a post with too much capitalization, so please bear with me. I’m that woman who Has Too Much On My Plate, and is Too Hard On Myself. I’ve heard those two titles for me so many times that I feel like I should put […]


ugly ducklings and a swan

For a woman who grew up geek, being called “pretty” feels pretty weird.     Recently I reached out to a writer I admire over a social media channel.  We’ve never met, and I was looking forward to changing that.  Her reply was lovely.  In it, she complimented me and called me “pretty.” But she […]