The Hamster Wheel of Fate


I have started this blog post three times already tonight. That’s rare for me. Usually I sit down, internal dialogue already written, and hit publish. But there is no internal anything going on right now. I want to be funny and my usual snarky self when I talk about how I may have to come [...]

The Health Benefits Of True Friendship


  I recently went to the monthly Finding Meaning in Medicine group I attend with Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen and a few other awesome physicians who gather together to remind each other why we are in service and who we are. Each month, we choose a topic to discuss. The topic was FRIENDSHIP. One person [...]

The Other Side of Yesterday

Photo Credit: Robert & Mihaela Vicol,

  I wrote this post months ago. Or maybe it was years ago. The point is, the day might be different. But the words are the same.     One step forward. Two steps back. Three steps forward. And I’ve already won. I should have seen it coming. I know me. How my head works. [...]

Unabashedly Me

Photo credit: Pauline Campos

Ever have those days when you look into the mirror and are filled with loathing? When all you see is every flaw highlighted and screaming at you that you’re not good enough? That used to be my daily truth. I would look at my reflection and drown in the desire to be something, someone else. [...]