Dear Skinny Girl…


I used to be the girl who bitched about the skinny ones at the gym. How dare they mock me and my curvy-self trying oh-so-hard just to maintain? Why are they even here? I never asked the question out loud. But I’d usually answer it at home with a self-indulgent pity party for one complete [...]

Wishing Her True (Again)

Wishing Her True Girl Body Pride

I don’t remember not knowing that my mother weighed 85 pounds when she got pregnant with me. Or that she was a senior in high school. Or that she got married right after graduation and had me instead of letting her parents talk her into an abortion.   I don’t remember not thinking I was [...]

(I Am) Outspoken


  I am many things. A mother. A writer. A Wife and lover of all things Dr. Who. I’m ADHD and I’m anxiety and I’m really, really bad at putting the forks back in the same spot every time I unload the dishwasher. I’m allergic to the world, infertile, and at 35, I’m dealing with [...]

Girl Body Pride’s Next Chapter

  I’m trying to think up a witty intro for this post. It’s kind of important, seeing as I’m announcing my new Managing Editor and Social Media Coordinator’s for Girl Body Pride, but I’m drawing a blank. So I decided to go the straight-forward route. See? Already done. Girl Body Pride just celebrated it’s first [...]