Announcing the #BodyThanks Event


If I asked you what you are thankful for right now…what would you say? Would you say you are thankful for your health? Your family and friends? Your job or the view from your bedroom window? All of those and more, I would imagine. We’re grateful for our kids and for our family pets and […]

The Stupid Sister

Photo used under Creative Commons License.

  Can I call your sister stupid? No? Does that bother you? I’m not sure why, seeing as how you don’t even like your her. You tell anyone who will listen and rarely go home for holidays. What? What was that? Oh, so you think your sister is stupid? So what’s the problem? Why is […]

Exercise & the Eating Disordered Mind


    I just had a 20 minute argument with The Husband about his need to be excited about EXERCISE and GOING PALEO because he just read A BOOK and now he sees the proverbial light. He wants EXERCISE and is full of suggestions for what I NEED TO DO and and it’s all in […]

Silver Ribbons


A lot of us hide behind our words. It’s easier that way. Usually, anyway. But then the voices inside our heads that can only be expressed with our fingers on our blogs or in our journals or in our essays remind us that we can’t always keep the secrets at bay. If we had cancer […]

Filled with Gold

When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something has suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.

I’m damaged. Broken. Messed up. Fat. I’m weathered. Not good enough. Never will be. So many cracks. So much to fix. So much to wish away. I’m imperfect. A bad example for the daughter I hope grows up to be nothing like me. I don’t want her to have to pretend confidence, self-love, and pride […]

The Woman Smiling Back


I wrote this two years ago. Minus the parts that date the post, I wouldn’t know any time had passed between then and now. There are new words because they needed to be added. But the message is the same: I will waken up every day for the rest of my life reminding myself that […]

Missing the Point of the Whole Revolution


  A celebrity put on a few pounds and the media responds by calling her fat. Hardly surprising. She responds by posting half-naked pictures of herself on her site and confessing to the world that she has suffered from anorexia and bulimia since she was 15, thereby launching the Body Revolution, and is praised (in […]

Ducks, PhotoShop, and Truth in Advertising

This Image has been altered from the original taken. We don't normally look like this, you know.

Let’s talk numbers, shall we?   – 42% of girls in grades 1-3 want to be thinner – 51% of 9-10 year old girls feel better about themselves when they’re dieting – 53% of 13 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies; by the time they’re 17, 78% of them will be – By […]

Self-Loathing and Chocolate

public domain body image

I trip over spoken words. So when I woke up a few months ago depressed, upset, and not quite sure why feelings of inadequacy always make me feel so heavy and like I’m disappearing at the same time, my first reaction was to write my feelings, hit publish, and then save myself the trouble of […]