Girl Body Pride’s Next Chapter

  I’m trying to think up a witty intro for this post. It’s kind of important, seeing as I’m announcing my new Managing Editor and Social Media Coordinator’s for Girl Body Pride, but I’m drawing a blank. So I decided to go the straight-forward route. See? Already done. Girl Body Pride just celebrated it’s first [...]

The Other Extreme & the Photoshopped Fat Suit Controversy

The original image is on the left. Photo

  A campaign by First Five California to reduce childhood obesity in California is being slammed for digitally altering the image of the child model. But the controversy is not stemming from the reason you might expect. The ads in the middle of the controversy feature a little girl drinking from packet of sugar with [...]

Welcome to the jungle


By now everyone not living under a rock has at least heard  about the Abercrombie & Fitch “Fat people are uncool” story. While it’s a disheartening event, I refuse to get my size 8 panties in a twist. Let me tell you why: The manager mentioned in the story for the Fat = Fired move [...]