The Gift of Aging


by Lasara Firefox Allen Every year on and around my birthday, I take inventory. Whether I want to or not, this happens. So I’ve learned to roll with it. And this year, here’s what inventory has yielded: Limit and defeat are not synonyms. As a writer, maybe you’d think I would have figured that one [...]

Thank you, Diana Nyad

long distance swimmer Diana Nyad

The major news outlets tried their bored best to keep this story under wraps but slowly through out the week an incredible story emerged: About a woman. Swimming from Cuba to Key West. At the age of 64. Without the protection of a shark cage. After she ‘d failed to do it four times before. [...]

Three generations of butts

three generations

Skin wrinkles. Hair whitens. Butts droop. Aging is not a pretty picture, is it? And it’s even less pretty when you’re in a dressing room with all those mirrors that don’t hide anything. Rather, they emphasize all those parts of your body which you’d like to imagine looked differently. But those mirrors don’t lie. I [...]