Wishing Her True (Again)

Wishing Her True Girl Body Pride

I don’t remember not knowing that my mother weighed 85 pounds when she got pregnant with me. Or that she was a senior in high school. Or that she got married right after graduation and had me instead of letting her parents talk her into an abortion.   I don’t remember not thinking I was [...]

The Censorship of the 4th Trimester Bodies Project

Seriously, Facebook: WTF is wrong with this picture?

  Does this image offend you?   It shouldn’t. But for some inexplicable reason, it seems that Facebook, instagram, and related social media outlets don’t like images depicting the beauty and reality of motherhood. Facebook has been censoring the project page and even has gone so far as to remove images and lock photographer Ashlee [...]

7 Myths About Finding Your Calling


  Finding your calling is all the rage these days. It’s sexy to find your calling. Everyone’s doing it, it seems. Finding your calling is the new black. But if you’re one of the many who haven’t yet found it, the process of seeking it can make you feel psycho, like you’ve got a giant [...]