GBP Showcase: Hiding in Plain Sight

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Girl Body Pride is coming up on a birthday. To celebrate, we are taking a moment to showcase our favorite submissions from guest writers and contributions from our regular team. Do you have a favorite you’d like to see here? Send me an email at . Hiding in Plain Sight originally appeared on Girl Body [...]

Silver Ribbons


A lot of us hide behind our words. It’s easier that way. Usually, anyway. But then the voices inside our heads that can only be expressed with our fingers on our blogs or in our journals or in our essays remind us that we can’t always keep the secrets at bay. If we had cancer [...]

Hiding in Plain Sight

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It’s a funny thing when trying to describe how the mind of a writer works to someone that doesn’t get it. Their brain isn’t wired the same way. Words are not trapped in their minds screaming for air until time is made to sit down and write them out because speaking them simply won’t do. [...]

The Woman Smiling Back


I wrote this two years ago. Minus the parts that date the post, I wouldn’t know any time had passed between then and now. There are new words because they needed to be added. But the message is the same: I will waken up every day for the rest of my life reminding myself that [...]

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


Blinking cursors piss me off. In the time that it takes for the cursor to appear, disappear, and then reappear before repeating the entire process, I’ve written three different blog posts in my head, each better than the last and none becoming anything more than another fleeting th0ught. Another Might Have Been. I wonder if [...]