Wishing Her True (Again)

Wishing Her True Girl Body Pride

I don’t remember not knowing that my mother weighed 85 pounds when she got pregnant with me. Or that she was a senior in high school. Or that she got married right after graduation and had me instead of letting her parents talk her into an abortion.   I don’t remember not thinking I was [...]

Closed Minds and Open Letters


It’s a weird week for news and not news news (do I sound like a horrible love child of Gertrude Stein and Donald Rumsfield? No? I should…). Syria is still a mess btw, we still have a small portion of our gerrymandered electorate holding the country hostage on our sixth day of government shutdown. But [...]

And Then There Was One

MGphotography Buttercup

I wrote this post on Aspiring Mama just a few short weeks ago. So much has happened since then. We left Tucson. We drove 3,000 miles. We can now see Canada from our bedroom window. And even though I’m sure the harsh Maine winter will be, well, harsh…I think we are in a good place. [...]