Announcing the #BodyThanks Event


If I asked you what you are thankful for right now…what would you say? Would you say you are thankful for your health? Your family and friends? Your job or the view from your bedroom window? All of those and more, I would imagine. We’re grateful for our kids and for our family pets and [...]

Closed Minds and Open Letters


It’s a weird week for news and not news news (do I sound like a horrible love child of Gertrude Stein and Donald Rumsfield? No? I should…). Syria is still a mess btw, we still have a small portion of our gerrymandered electorate holding the country hostage on our sixth day of government shutdown. But [...]

The Censorship of the 4th Trimester Bodies Project

Seriously, Facebook: WTF is wrong with this picture?

  Does this image offend you?   It shouldn’t. But for some inexplicable reason, it seems that Facebook, instagram, and related social media outlets don’t like images depicting the beauty and reality of motherhood. Facebook has been censoring the project page and even has gone so far as to remove images and lock photographer Ashlee [...]

The Body Image Alternative World


  I am always happy to see women angry enough to vent their frustration out at the media portrayals of women both on the journalism side and the advertising side of things. I spent my 20s as an angry women’s studies major who boycotted every last product of oppression with a vengeance. But you can’t [...]

Kumbaya, Bonfire Chats, & Fuckability


No one ever said I was subtle. Well, maybe that one time when I mistakenly took two of The Husband’s muscle relaxers thinking they were my thyroid medication and then found myself falling asleep trying to get pantyhose while getting ready for work. The Husband came home to find me in bed, drooling, and confused [...]

Brave, Defined Waistlines, & Pauline’s Soapbox


Listed under: Good News! Disney is officially welcoming Merida from Brave as the 11th princess! Listed under: What the HELL, Mickey? Disney has also decided that Merida needed lipo, a facelift, and a “come hither” look to look just right for her coronation! For serious, people. Let’s take a look at the Before and Afters, [...]

A Declaration to Myself

Image courtesy of Project Heal. Find them on FB. Be Inspired.

  My name is Pauline M. Campos. I have a right to happiness, to ask for what I need in life, to choose with whom I sit and how I want to spend my time and energy. It is my responsibility to pursue this happiness and wholeness. Your opinion, your value judgements on me, my [...]

Barbie in Real Life


I loved playing Barbie with my sister. My sister’s Barbie was blonde and had a “bubble-cut” hair style. My Barbie was blonde as well, with longer hair. We thought she was beautiful. We dreamed of being her. We had all the Barbie houses, Barbie cars, and all the Barbie clothes my mother would buy for us. [...]

Catching in the Rye; The Spanglish Edition

BullshitCard Pauline Campos

  The child calls Bullshit. It’s time to Pony Up. If The Catcher in the Rye had a sequel based on a Spanglish-speaking Mexican-American homeschooling, allergic to everything, eating-disordered writer mama of one, I’d be a happy girl. Because then, at least, I could just hand people a copy of the book when they ask [...]

If Neil Kramer Were a Woman…

Photo courtesy of A Might Girl. Find them in Facebook!

I love Neil Kramer. It’s Facebook updates like these (along with his brilliant iPhone pics on his instagram feed) that just make me want to high five him for cutting through the bullshit and just saying or showing us what is. In this case, it’s a brilliant case of Funny Because It’s True. In fact, [...]