Like Mother, Like Daughter


As I write this, my just turned 9 year old daughter is sleeping beside me, curled up and making sleep sounds. We are still in that post Christmas stupor and I’m feeling a bit strange that this was the first birthday and Christmas that the daughter wanted absolutely no toys whatsoever. Her list to Santa [...]

Body Back: How to Make Friends with Our Reflections

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Newsflash, y’all! Kim Kardashian has her body back. No surgery, haters. So stop your finger-pointing and snide headlines, already. US Weekly calls Kim’s “exclusive” picture proof the ultimate revenge for all the post-baby body bashing stories. And as far as the media (and a large segment of our body conscious society is concerned), that’s all [...]

Driven: The Prize

the prize by Girl Body Pride

by Rachel Kargas   I have always been self motivated. In school nobody had to remind me to do my homework. In college I could be found at 10PM on a Friday night in the quiet corner of the Memorial Library nursing a cup of black coffee while my friends were out doing shots and drinking Sex On [...]

The Go-To List for Girls


  I have a confession to make. My career and passion is in the beauty business. I manage a salon and retail shop. But that’s not the confession.For most of my life I thought I was ugly. I used to be the girl who thought I was too ugly to get my picture taken. I [...]

F-Bombs, Secrets, & Random Facts


  Watch your back, Cinderella I hate spiders. If all the Disney Princesses tried to take out Wonder Woman in a fight, I’d put money on Wonder Woman. Hands down. Real shredded coconut “tastes” like paper to me. Shut. Up. When I am out in public here in Maine and make eye contact with another [...]

Making Milk

bfing in the NICU

by Kait Moon I breastfeed. Not only do I breastfeed, I breastfeed twins. In total, over the course of the last 7+ years as a mother I’ve been breastfeeding for over 50 months (and no, I’m not counting the twins separately.) For those (like me) with bad math skills, that is over four years. I’m [...]

Announcing the #BodyThanks Event


If I asked you what you are thankful for right now…what would you say? Would you say you are thankful for your health? Your family and friends? Your job or the view from your bedroom window? All of those and more, I would imagine. We’re grateful for our kids and for our family pets and [...]

Transgender Day of Remembrance, Today November 20th


Today is International Transgender Day of Remembrance. Why? Did you know that the bulk of the violence towards the LGBTQ community is directed at transgender women?  Whether it’s school ground bullying from students and teachers, Republican House of Representative members, employers, the violence perpetrated against this community must end.  I’ve invited Helena Anya Zeitgeist who has [...]

The Stupid Sister

Photo used under Creative Commons License.

  Can I call your sister stupid? No? Does that bother you? I’m not sure why, seeing as how you don’t even like your her. You tell anyone who will listen and rarely go home for holidays. What? What was that? Oh, so you think your sister is stupid? So what’s the problem? Why is [...]

Men, Media, and that thing called Curves


The idea for this post has been germinating for a few weeks. It’s been a season of relentless fat shaming—from the Halloween letter in place of Halloween candy that turned out to be a hoax but not before Internet commenters everywhere voiced their two cents on fat America’s candy consumption  to Lululemon founder and the fact that [...]