Body Back: How to Make Friends with Our Reflections

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Newsflash, y’all! Kim Kardashian has her body back. No surgery, haters. So stop your finger-pointing and snide headlines, already. US Weekly calls Kim’s “exclusive” picture proof the ultimate revenge for all the post-baby body bashing stories. And as far as the media (and a large segment of our body conscious society is concerned), that’s all [...]

Driven: The Prize

the prize by Girl Body Pride

by Rachel Kargas   I have always been self motivated. In school nobody had to remind me to do my homework. In college I could be found at 10PM on a Friday night in the quiet corner of the Memorial Library nursing a cup of black coffee while my friends were out doing shots and drinking Sex On [...]

The Go-To List for Girls


  I have a confession to make. My career and passion is in the beauty business. I manage a salon and retail shop. But that’s not the confession.For most of my life I thought I was ugly. I used to be the girl who thought I was too ugly to get my picture taken. I [...]

The Myth of Persephone


I’ve been trying to write about just about anything else but the myth of Persephone and how she is haunting and nagging me this week. Full disclosure–I’m taking this great course in female archetypes. We’re in our second week and Persephone/Kore is the goddess manifestation we are thinking about this week.  If you aren’t familiar with [...]

Are you Ready to #BeBrave?


  Are you ready to #BeBrave? The headlines are filled with stories about feelings of hopelessness. At first glance, the world looks like a pretty depressing place, but if you look just long enough…you see the glimmers of light shining through. There are people doing good things; people who are inspiring others to see themselves [...]

Closed Minds and Open Letters


It’s a weird week for news and not news news (do I sound like a horrible love child of Gertrude Stein and Donald Rumsfield? No? I should…). Syria is still a mess btw, we still have a small portion of our gerrymandered electorate holding the country hostage on our sixth day of government shutdown. But [...]

The Censorship of the 4th Trimester Bodies Project

Seriously, Facebook: WTF is wrong with this picture?

  Does this image offend you?   It shouldn’t. But for some inexplicable reason, it seems that Facebook, instagram, and related social media outlets don’t like images depicting the beauty and reality of motherhood. Facebook has been censoring the project page and even has gone so far as to remove images and lock photographer Ashlee [...]

Real Bodies at the Beach

Santa Monica Beach

I’m a big fan of ads of models as is without the benefit of airbrushing or Photoshop. I love getting to see what they actually look like instead of what they look like as space aliens and shapeshifters from another planet. Until this weekend, I never thought about how that also translates beyond the body [...]

Frida’s Wardrobe: A Reminder


Museo Frida Kahlo is finally able to exhibit Frida Kahlo’s wardrobe. I’m very excited about this even if I don’t get to go to it in person.  Reports this week of Frida Kahlo’s Wardrobe (and brilliant display of photographs ) serve as a very important reminder of just how beautiful Ms. Frida was —- in a way [...]

The Fat Rash, Part 2 by Shell Feijo

doctor's office

 (In case you missed part 1, Shell went to the doctor’s office for a non-over-the-counter-cream , but they didn’t want to give it to her without a lecture about her weight). The resident stutters, “You don’t need to use that language. I can pull up your records here.” He turns to the computer. I am [...]