A Declaration to Myself

Image courtesy of Project Heal. Find them on FB. Be Inspired.

  My name is Pauline M. Campos. I have a right to happiness, to ask for what I need in life, to choose with whom I sit and how I want to spend my time and energy. It is my responsibility to pursue this happiness and wholeness. Your opinion, your value judgements on me, my [...]

Does The Media Get the Blame for Eating Disorders?

Pauline Campos girl body pride

  A friend recently sent me a link to an article on Ed Bites regarding the author’s thoughts on the media and eating disorders. The article, to be published in Emirates Woman magazine, is well-written, thought-provoking, and importantly (to me, anyway) written from personal experience. The author, Carrie Arnold, recounts her own experience as an [...]

NEDA Awareness Week: Do Just One Thing


  Girl Body Pride began with the simple and complex desire to do what I can for myself and allow my daughter to grow into the woman she is meant to become. I can kiss away the boo boos now. I can snuggle her to sleep because she still wants me to and I’ll miss [...]

When moms need help

The Body Image Survivial Guide

  “I think my mom feels insecure about herself because every time we go to take family pictures she always says that she’s too fat.” Kaitlin, 11. “My mom is always comparing herself to other people and my grandmother is always like, “Oh my God, look at my belly fat, it’s disgusting!” Jasmine, 10. We [...]

Pictures, Words, & Inspiration


  Words inspire. Words like these help us realize that there are so many others like us and not one of us us alone, even if we feel as if we are. For some time now, I’ve hoped to build a resource list for Girl Body Pride readers who may need more than the words [...]

Healing for the Holidays


We all know how poor body image can sometimes lead down a dangerous path. The messages this time of year doesn’t always help: “Look Christmas Cookies! Aren’t they Yummy? Don’t eat too many!” ” I hope your new years resolution is to lose weight.” “Those latkes and jelly donuts sure won’t help your waistline… “ Sometimes these messages roll [...]