About Michaella O'Connor

Michaella O’Connor is a coach, a speaker, an advocate of mentorship for women and girls and a life-list enthusiast. She is always on the look-out for a new adventure and enjoys living on her edge. She is committed to effecting women to live their richest, fullest, most kickass lives and is having a blast doing it!

A Weigh In on Shame

Michaella Change

  “I look gooooood!  No seriously, I really look good!”  I look in the mirror and I truly think, “you rock this girl”  Naked, in yoga pants, jeans.  Doesn’t matter.  I like what I see.  And yet………………………….. I feel shame for what I’ve done.  I’ve lost 50lbs.  And gained it all back.  Yep, every last [...]