About Kelly Wickham

Kelly Wickham is a writer, educator, and speaker who’s writing has been featured on Yahoo! and the Huffington Post. She’s been a guest on NPR, speaks at blogging and education conferences, and pens Mocha Mommaand Babble’s Mocha Momma Has Something to Say. Kelly also is the Social Media Director for Little Pickle Press and has a thing for writing manifestos that rally the crowd to rally themselves.
Connect with Kelly at her About.me page, and on Twitter and Facebook.

Manifesto: Find Your Tribe

find your tribe

When I first started teaching I met a teacher named Hannah. She could only be described as a WASP and only after I realized she was engaged to a doctor, owned over 40 cookbooks from our mothers’ era, and didn’t plan on teaching after she started having babies. That was never an option for me [...]

On Manifestos: Create Something

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Whatever it is that’s going on with me I am feeling braver by the minute. There’s power in writing and claiming words and beliefs. This started out as an homage to being a girl and figuring out how to be a woman and that goal is still there. I mentioned it on Twitter and promised [...]

Manifestos: The Way Back

find your way

At first I thought I had gone blind. Everything was fuzzy and I was jolted, hard. My ears either popped or I was still in slow motion, everything swirling. Why aren’t the children making noise? They were making too much noise just a moment ago, clicking and unclicking their seatbelts. Young boys playing a stupid [...]

Victoria’s Keeping Another Secret

CC photo by The Sean & Lauren Spectacular's photostream on Flickr

Dear Vicky, Your new swimwear sounds great! It’s always been a dream of mine to maximize my boob potential, so this is what I’ve been waiting for. With all your work in clothing design, I wonder if you have any engineers on staff? Do they help you come up with these ideas or just execute [...]

An Unlikely Manifesto: Stories of Being a Girl


  I am just stubborn enough to refuse to make New Year’s Resolutions. Instead, I’ll call them “goals” or “aspirations” or “manifestos”. The more I think about declaring this, for myself, the Year of the Girl, the more I am dedicating to it. Everything starts out as a small idea, right? What that means for [...]

2013: The Year of the Girl


  Something happened this morning. I can’t really explain it, but I had spent the morning reading books, working on a proposal, and doing my social media for Little Pickle Press, and then I decided to check in on Twitter. Nothing big, really, and that’s not normal for me this time of day but I’m [...]

Manifesto: That Thing You Want to Say

that thing you want to say

The first welfare office I ever stepped in was in this one-story dark brown office building that was on the curve of a road that made it seem even more remote than it was. It was unmarked and so drab looking that it made me wonder if, in brighter daylight, it would somehow look more [...]