My name is Pauline M. Campos. I have a right to happiness, to ask for what I need in life, to choose with whom I sit and how I want to spend my time and energy. It is my responsibility to pursue this happiness and wholeness. Your opinion, your value judgements on me, my [...]
Does The Media Get the Blame for Eating Disorders?
A friend recently sent me a link to an article on Ed Bites regarding the author’s thoughts on the media and eating disorders. The article, to be published in Emirates Woman magazine, is well-written, thought-provoking, and importantly (to me, anyway) written from personal experience. The author, Carrie Arnold, recounts her own experience as an [...]
The Me That I Am
I’m having a pretty shitty Writerly Ego day. Actually, it’s kind of been a shitty Writerly Ego month, to be perfectly honest. And when I’ve shared this little emotional nugget with the BFF and The Husband, I’ve received a raised eyebrow and a “YOU HAVE A FUCKING AGENT” in response to my pity party. I [...]
The Power of Joining our Voices
Lessons, Butterflies, & Bracelets
Butterflies, Strength, and Onion-flavored Dreams
Strong like Butterfly: Launching the Ebook!
Are you ready to be inspired? Let’s launch this thing… On Monday, January 14, Girl Body Pride celebrates the launch of the Strong Like Butterfly ebook! Strong Like Butterfly brings you the best of Girl Body Pride in collection of strong and inspiring essays from women who celebrate the You that You Are Right Now. [...]
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