Being Brave Together


Step on a crack...

Photo by Pauline Campos

Let’s talk about Being Brave.


Not with a sword, but with our voices. Maybe we use a pen. Maybe we click, clack away on a keyboard, looking up only every now and then at the words born onto the white screen before us. Maybe we are Brave with our voices or a maybe it’s with a paintbrush.


We are Brave when we share our truth with others. We are Braver Still when we know we are not alone.


Jenn Marshall calls it Finding Our Brave. I call it Writing Without a Filter. Whatever you call it, the premise is the same, whether we write about our personal struggles with bipolar or eating disorders or sexuality, we are brave when we share that which others can connect with and know they are not alone.


What’s my Brave?


I’ll be honest. I’m only halfway home when it comes to fully embracing it. But that’s the beauty of Being Brave. For each of us, Bravery means different things and we are each defining the term for ourselves every time we sit down to share a new Something Personal about ourselves.


Me? I’m a life-long recovering bulimic with compulsive eating tendencies. I’m ADHD and sometimes will do circus tricks if you give me coffee when my brain is moving faster than my medication can work. I have anxiety issues that tend to spike when my ADHD is in high gear and suffer from dermitillomania. That last one is a fancy word for the OCD scab-picking condition I didn’t know wasn’t just a stupid habit I couldn’t break until last year. I’ve suffered from depression, attempted suicide, and founded a website to help myself while helping others learn that nurturing our self-worth and self-image is the key to recovery for many of the demons we deal with daily.


Am I fixed? Hell no. Am I on my way? Today I am. I’ll let you know about tomorrow when it gets here.


How do I manage to Be Brave and share these words with the world? Because I have to. Because I want to. Because I need to.


Because I had to find my Own Brave on my journey and wish I could have known people like Jennifer Marshall when I was looking for someone else to Be Brave with me. I just wanted someone to relate to.


Maybe that’s why the This is My Brave kickstarter project has hit home with me. I’ve backed the project and I’m here to support it and yes, I’m asking you to support it, too. Jenn and her team have already surpassed their original goal of $6,500. for the live This is My Brave show and have gone for a stretch goal of $10,000. Every little bit helps. Every little bit matters.


We need each other to make This is My Brave a reality. Together, we can be Braver, and isn’t that the point?


PMCPauline Campos is Latina Magazine’s advice & relationship columnist, editor of the ebook anthology, Strong Like Butterfly, and a radio personality with a regular advice segment on NPR’s Latino USA show.  Pauline blogs three times a week at Aspiring Mama (or when she remember to take her Adderall) & is the founder of Girl Body Pride. Strong like Butterfly is currently available on Smashwords. This post originally appeared on Aspiring Mama.