Oh Miley, What are we going to do with you?

Who hasn’t seen this? Miley Cyrus a la Twerking

I’m a bit flummoxed by this one. On one hand, I want to be supportive of women expressing themselves however they want to. On the other hand? I hate top 40 music and kind of negate it all in the first place as a giant commercial trap. On one hand , a woman having a happy, healthy sexuality is a great thing. On the other hand,  there’s this thing called manners that I’m very fond of.  I feel weirdly squeamish watching this. And it isn’t passing the mommy standard in me.

But I need to know why I’m squeamish. I need to know why I”m hoping my daughter didn’t see it and doesn’t know about it. Because while a healthy sexual identity is the ideal, it shouldn’t be at the expense of good taste and manners. Or perhaps I just want Miley to watch old Madonna videos to get a better idea of how it’s done.

Maybe it’s because Miley doesn’t look sexual at all, she just looks like she’s trying too hard. In her first number with the one-piece mousecapade look, she doesn’t look sexualized as much as she just looks awkward. All those awkward gestures to her crotch.  Perhaps this is what a Disney princess comes to in the end.

Not that anyone should be looking to the VMA’s as some sort of cultural icons of taste and style and all things hip. Does MTV still play music videos?! If it hits the VMA’s it’s passe in the first place. But perhaps a ‘viewer discretion is advised’ warning should have come on just in case the eight year old was still up.

What’s interesting here, isn’t her tacky gestures of sexuality, it’s that there’s outrage at all. Why the outrage? In my mind, this is exactly what becomes of girls fed on a diet of mainstream media and Disney. In a very particular way, Miley’s performance makes perfect sense. Wal-Mart used to partner with Disney to sell Hannah Montana outfits that were a few stitches shy of stripper. It’s really not a stretch.





  1. anon says:

    For me, the outrage is not over her lack of clothing or lewd gestures. There needs to be less slut-shaming and more acknowledging the problematic aspects of Miley’s use of BLACK WOMEN AS PROPS in her music videos and stage performances. Not only that, but her appropriation of black culture in general, especially as she thinks herself as some sort of “twerk” queen – a title that should never belong to a white girl.

  2. MizFit says:

    while she was indeed horrifying WHY DID PEOPLE GIVE MISTER BLURRRED LINES A PASS?
    It seemed our societal double standards at work.

    • Margaret Elysia Garcia says:

      Maybe because he was clothed? He seems to just be vacuous top 40 anyhow–I ignored him. He doesn’t have the Disney past? I think the other horror comes from not looking at the video or the lame lyrics but just listening to her voice. She does have a strong voice. Too bad it isn’t attached to someone who wants to show that strength in less of a cartoon way.
