
Photo courtesy of Gigi Ross




Let’s drop the bullshit and get down to the nitty-gritty. Do you think your self-view and perception of your own body affect your sex life with your partner? My short answer is OF COURSE IT DOES. 

If you know me in real life, pretend I just asked if babies from from the cabbage patch because that’s where The Husband and I skipped through while holding hands until we found our perfect girl and signed the Xavier Roberts adoption papers in crayon. If not, let’s sit around the bonfire and have some real talk on what affects us most and how that caries over into our sexual relationships with those who love us.

I’m excited to have been asked to participate as a panelist by Gigi Ross for today’s #Bonfire chat.

Will you join me?

Hope to see you there!


** This post is also being shared on Aspiring Mama today because, obviously



  1. margaretelysiagarcia says:

    I’ve always been far more critical of myself than any partner—especially the husband.

  2. Since I can’t attend, I guess I’ll share here…

    We never switch off the lights.
    Lots of our playtime is during the day (no kids yet, ha!).
    The BF is an extremely visual person.
    And I am about 50lbs from society’s definition of “hot”. (Plus I have black hair growing in weird places and never get a tan.)

    And I must say, our sex life really influences how I see myself. The BF thinks I am hot, and he shows it. He can’t take his eyes off me when I take off my shirt. His hands are over me all the time. (To the point where I have to throw him out of the kitchen because I want to cook.) I do know – because we have talked about it – that for physical attractiveness alone he prefers a different body type, but that really does not matter when we are getting naked.

    I used to be self-conscious about myself without clothes, but that has long since stopped. It’s great to have a significant other who shows you just how much he (or she) adores your body.

    You deserve nothing less.

    And you should return the favor.
