Reach. Grasp.

In memory of those killed in the Sandy Hook tragedy in Newtown,

I ask you to reach.

Reach out, reach up.

Having seen despair and hopelessness up close

I can say one feels helpless in the face of someone’s hopelessness

Yet they need us to try to reach them

If you want to hurt yourself or someone else

If you’re sad

If you’re harming yourself

If you’re lonely

Reach out

If someone doesn’t listen, keep reaching

Until we listen

Until we hear you

We want you, we need you

To know you don’t have to be alone

Suicide Prevention

Julia Roberts is a skilled writer, speaker and tireless disability advocate. She can be found at, writing at and managing




  1. Becca says:

    Wonderfully written, thank you for continuing to reach out to those who need the help most.
