Losergurl: An Introduction


Pictures are sometimes said to be worth a thousand words. Sometimes, they are worth so much more.

Meet Ally, the 13-year-old I wish I could have been. The teenaged girl who is smart enough to love herself now because waiting until she’s in her mid-thirties is a pretty stupid idea.

Ally is the beauty and brains behind Losergurl, the blog which happens to be exact reason I wish I was 13 again. The first time around didn’t go so well for me, obviously. I can’t even begin to imagine the good Ally is doing for the girls she inspires every day and I certainly think she deserves the respect of every single individual who reads her words and listens to what she has to say. One day the girls she is inspiring will become the women raising their own daughters to be confident, strong, and not give a damn about what anybody else thinks and they, in turn, will continue to inspire the ever-widening circle of confidence, strength, and positive sense of self we all hope to see.

Those words on her face? The mean girls in her head? They are all lies that lead to truths that lead to inspiration inspired by a post by Leslie Marinelli.

Ally? Meet Leslie. Leslie? Give Ally a high five.

Who’s got the firewood and marshmallows? I’m thinking it’s time to sit around in a circle and sing some Kumbaya, my friends.


Pauline Campos contributes to Funny Not Slutty, Owning Pink, and 30 Second Mom. She blogs three times a week at Aspiring Mama (or when she remember to take her Adderall) and is the founder of Girl Body Pride.




  1. Shelley () says:

    I ADORE Ally! Sooooo very much

  2. I Adore Ally.

  3. O.

    That photo takes my breath away. Ally, high five, gurl. The highest of fives. I wish I had one tenth of your courage, strength, and true beauty when I was your age. (Still working on it, obviously.)
